Monday, November 4, 2013

A bit of crafts (and peace)

I admit: I recently turned into a crafty person. It is fun, it is creative and there are a lot of people (online and in real life) who make amazing things. Recently I wondered if I could somehow connect peace work and crafts and create something, well, peaceful.
Also, there are instances when I would like to flash some peaceful accessories, to make a statement or to give people something to remember me by.
As my crafty side is kind of new I decided to start relatively small. Therefore I present you: a multiuse, felt peace sign! 

Materials needed:
2 sheets of felt in different colors
A needle (best case scenario: the yarn fits through the needle eye)
A safety pin
Two paper circles of different sizes (you can print those if you want)
A strip of paper (best case: same width as the difference between the two circles)
A pencil

  1. Put the two pieces of felt on top of each other and use the bigger paper circle and the pencil to draw the outline of the circle on the top felt piece

  1. Cut along the line. Duplicate one of the circles (whichever color you prefer), by putting it on top of a felt piece and cutting along the edge.

  1. Take one of the felt circles (here: green) and place the smaller circle in the center of the piece. Draw along the edge with the pencil.
  2. Take the strip of paper and place it over the middle of the felt – trace the outline with the pencil

  1. Fold the paper strip at an angle and place it with the folded pointed corner over the middle of the feltcircle. Again, draw along the outline.

  1. You should now have a peace sign on your felt circle. Cut out the parts that you do not need (refer to picture)

  1. Put everything aside.  Use the pincers to move the small metal spiral in the safety pin 90 degrees (this part can be a bit tricky)
  2. Put the tape over the pin so it can no longer be opened.

  1. Put the safety pin between the two full felt circles, “hiding” the bit with the tape.

  1. Put the Peace Sign felt circle on top (attention: make sure that it lies on top of a different colored felt circle!
  2. Now take a piece of yarn and put it through the needle eye. Make a knot at the end. Hide the knot by starting between the two felt circles, bringing the needle to the front (going through one full felt circle and the peace felt circle).

  1. Then take the needle over the edge and pierce through all three layers, putting the end of the yarn already attached to your work over the top of the needle (see picture)

  1. Keep doing the same stitch along the edge.
  2. When you reach the safety pin make tight stitches around each side of it.

  1. Finish the round and secure the yarn by knotting it around the first stitch you made.

  2. Now you can pin the work to your clothes by sticking a second safety pin through the round hole or tread some yarn through it and use it as a necklace.

It is absolutely okay, if it looks self-made! :)

- Lucia, October 2013

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